Teachers Token of Thanks

Being an educator can sometimes be a thankless job, but their influence on every child is very important and sometimes impactful to the child. We all can recall a teacher or several teachers who had played a significant role in decisions we made, which has influence or impacted our trajectory in life.

These teachers in Kundorwahun and Pejewa townships stand in front of their respective classes day after day teaching these children something new. This helps develop the children’s mind in learning something new every day.

It’s not easy to be an educator, it takes a lot of heart to be one. The foundation is thanking all the teachers from the two (2) townships, who are game changers and pillars for the development, nurturing and growth of the children, from an educational aspect.

With that, at the end of the school year, the foundation give all the teachers in both townships at token of thanks (money), for all they do everyday for the children.

“We are thanking the foundation for the good effort they are doing. We appreciate it as an educator. We are proud for such work, thank you to T&S foundation, they will always rain in our mind.”, Educators from both Kundorwahun and Pejewa

2020 – 2021 Academic Year (July 2021)

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